
Emergency services

Please note: the PAN does not provide an emergency service. If you are in danger right now, please call Emergency Services (police, fire, ambulance) as below:

Hong kong

Dial 999


Dial 000

New Zealand

Dial 111

USA and Canada

Dial 911


Dial 999


Dial 112

The HIMS program within the Cathay Pacific group exists to identify and treat those with substance use disorder, enabling them to continue a flying career, despite a condition which would otherwise result in permanent disqualification.

Within our team of peer supporters there are people with direct experience of the program, as well as several who, while not in recovery themselves, volunteer their time to mentor and monitor those who are.

The company policies for AOD and HIMS are published on The Hub, but if you would like more information on how things work in a practical sense or have a confidential chat with someone with actual experience of the program, please get in touch. 

“I have worked for the airline for nearly 25 years. In the early days, I remember reading newspaper stories of unfortunate crews who had blown ‘over the limit’ prior to flying, their subsequent court cases, penalties and career destruction. The stories were sad, but not particularly personally affecting.

However in later years, when I read similar tales, they affected me very differently. I could readily see myself in their place. I imagined what it would be like if it happened to me. It was frightening.

What had changed over those years was me. From a ‘social drinker’, (admittedly an enthusiastic one on occasion), I had become isolated, reclusive and secretive. My time off, especially down route, revolved around the next drink, and planning the latest time I could stop drinking and still report for duty. Outward respectability obscured a sad inner truth.

Boundaries which were previously inviolable became negotiable in my mind. At some level I knew, but on another level vehemently denied, that my drinking was becoming problematic. I also saw that I was unable to make the necessary changes alone.

Within the HIMS program, I found treatment which helped to explain why I was the way I was. I found that I didn’t need to stay this way. The power to change was mine, and I would be given every assistance, encouragement and guidance along the way.

Importantly, I found I was not alone; that others had walked this way before me. We were kindred spirits and shared a bond which was unique. We drew strength from each other. And a life rich with possibilities replaced the daily melancholy of active addiction.” 

EAP - Employee assistance Program

Lyra Wellbeing

For Cathay Pacific and Air Hong Kong

For CPA and AHK employees, their spouses and children.

Lyra Wellbeing (formerly ICAS) is the provider of Cathay’s Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).

EAP Resources:

FAQs - Lyra Wellbeing services

Available 24/7.

In Hong Kong, you may call EAP on 800 967 076  at anytime.

Rest of the world, please call EAP on +1 858 564 3834 at anytime. While this is not a toll free number, you can request a call back.

Their website also has a number of resources available to you online.

Click here for the Virtual Intake session.

Lyra Wellbeing Hub:
Company login: CP001

Click here for more information about the EAP Hub.

You may also email EAP directly at



For HKE employees, their spouses and children.

For HKE employees, EAP services are provided by Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (HKFWS).

Appointments should be made 7 working days in advance.

Appointment Hours: Monday to Friday 0900 - 2100 / Sat 0900 - 1300

You may call EAP/HKFWS on 8100 0208 during working hours.

This number is available in Hong Kong only.

Appointments are conducted at the Private Interview rooms at HKFWS Office (WesternGarden, 80A First Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong)

You may also email EAP/HKFWS directly at


Family and Child Protective Services

For all employee groups.

The Family and Child Protective Services Units (FCPSUs) are specialized units operated by the Social Welfare Department to assist the families with the problems of child abuse and spouse / cohabitant battering to restore normal functioning and to safeguard the interest of the children affected by custody/guardianship disputes and referred by the Courts.

Please see THIS LINK for specific contact information.

PAN HK Self-assessment tool

If identified and treated early, mental health concerns can be temporary and completely reversible. Crews who understand normal reactions to stress and how to manage these reactions are more resilient. They have the ability to recover from stress, traumatic events, and adverse situations more successfully and more rapidly.

The Self-Assessment Tool is is NOT a diagnostics tool, but rather a 'continuum model' which allows individuals to identify indicators of declining or poor mental health in themselves, and others. Individuals can move along the continuum; if one ends up in the red "Injured/Unwell" phase, he or she can move back towards the green "Thriving" phase with appropriate care. The Self-Assessment Tool assists crew by 'sign-posting' the action one can take for themselves and for others at each point along the continuum.

You can download a PDF version of the Self-Assessment Tool HERE.


How Covid 19 works Click Here. 

Here’s a great resource which helps teach young children about COVID-19, to understand what they can do to be safe & to help carers understand how they are feeling so that they can offer comfort and support Click Here.

Here’s one for talking to children about natural disasters, traumatic events, or worries about the future. The video introduces ways for parents and carers to manage media coverage of traumatic events, and talk to their children about their worries and fears Click Here.

WHO (World Health Organisation) info Click Here.

other resources

All resources provided below are provided as general information and should not be construed as advice from PAN HK, but has been selected as likely being helpful to pilots and their families. 

Guide to Wellbeing

Brief guide to self-care  

Turbulent Times

Cleared for Takeoff

Psychosocial Tips for Isolation

Self-Care for your Mood

Grit, Resilience & Growth

Sleep Checklist

Staying Connected

Psychology of Uncertainty


Tips for Dealing with Isolation

Dealing with COVID19


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